
Living one day at a time, blogging whenever.

Donuts, DDO Reports, and Paper Chains

Amphibious Squadron FIVE (CPR5) just started its deployment, my husband is now steaming towards the other side of the world, and I have begun my journey as a bona fide Navy wife. I should explain that I was, technically, already a Navy wife. I’m married to a Sailor. But, I’m also a Sailor. I don’t rely on my husband for benefits or financial support, I have a job of my own, and I’ve even been haze grey and underway (and loved it). So I figured I had this whole married-single thing down. I assumed that, since I knew the challenges of being deployed, I would be an understanding wife; that because I wasn’t “dependent” in the literal sense of the word, things would be easier. Read the rest of this entry »

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